About the Journal
Proceeding Title: Proceeding of International Community Service Seminar (ICSS) 2022
Publisher: Community Service, Universitas Warmadewa
Organizer: Community Service, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia
Website: https://warmadewa.ac.id/page/detail/25
Contact: lpm2016unwar@gmail.com
Office: Jl. Terompong No. 24 Tanjung Bungkak
The International community service seminar (ICSS) 2022 held by the Community service unit, Universitas Warmadewa raised the theme “TEcotourism Challenges and Opportunities in The Modern World". The conference was held hybrid on November 16 - 17, 2022 by inviting three keynote speakers; from Waseda University - Japan (Naori Miyazawa, Ph.D.), Central Bicol State University of Agriculture - Philippines (Amelia Reforba Nicolas, Ph.D.) and Universiti Teknologi MARA - Malaysia (Dr. Aida Firdaus Muhammad Nurul Azmi). It also invited speakers; Universitas Warmadewa - Indonesia (Dr. Ir Luh Suriati, M, Si), (Dr. Ir. I Gst Bagus Udayana), (Kadek Windy Candrayana, ST., MT) and (dr. Ayu Naya Kasih Permatananda, S, Ked., M.BIOMED). Arranging the program indicates that Warmadewa has a commitment to elevating knowledge and research activities, especially those related to ecotourism. This forum provides an opportunity for intellectuals to present, share, and discuss their research findings on the research areas and build the network at the same time. Moreover, this event provides access to research publications.
We have selected papers to be published on our proceeding website. We are happy to have various interesting topics which came from lecturers and students and covered the big theme proposed: Ecotourism Challenges and Opportunities in The Modern World. The publication process also involved reviewers who paid attention to the format, language use, and contents of the papers. We are expecting that the scientific papers could provide valuable insights into the learning process and for further research.